Good morning! It's Wednesday, and we're half way through!
You know, the other night when we were praying after family devotions, my youngest prayed, "that we would have a sunshiny day tomorrow and no rain, but, God, we do thank you for the rain because it makes the flowers grow". Wow. That hit me as a really "deep" thought.
When we go through trials and tribulations (our rain), if we are born again Christians, we lean on the Lord and trust Him to get us through (we often pray that we get through soon!). But, don't forget to thank Him for the rain. For it's through this rain that we (the flowers) grow.
The Bible says, "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
1 Thessalonians 5:18.
We should be thankful for our trials. It's so awful hard to do, I know. But we need to be thankful because our God sees the end that we don't. There are reasons why He is allowing these times in your life.
Now, this is not the same thankful like when you receive money for your birthday (of which I am ALWAYS thankful!!), but a thankful because our Heavenly Father loves us and wants what is best for us.
Pruning a rose bush can not be pleasant for the rose bush, but, why is it done? Well, to encourage new growth and blooms, to remove old wood (what needs to be removed in our lives?), to shape the plant, etc.
So, the next time you are complaining because it just won't stop raining, take time to stop and thank the Lord for it and remember how good He is!
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Beth :-)
Family, motherhood, Christian modesty, the Christian walk, life as the pastor's wife and family, sewing and other things close to my heart. :)
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you can stay awhile. Grab some coffee (or tea!) and pull up a chair. Here, you'll find my humble thoughts on God, the Christian walk, Christian modesty, my life and lots of other things that I hope and pray will uplift you, give you encouragement and help you through the day.Beth :-)
ps-All scripture used on my blog are KJV only.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Well, my day kind of started at 3:30 this morning. My 5 year old came into my bedroom because he had a bad dream. So, I got up and went and laid with him for a while until he went back to sleep.
You know, some think I'm a little crazy, but I truly do not mind my day starting like that. When I get to lay there and watch as he falls back to sleep, then watch him sleeping, I am reminded about how truly blessed I am. I also think that, in a VERY short time, he'll be nine years old, like my oldest son, and starting to find his little bit of independence as the "pulling away" process of growing up starts.
Now, don't get me wrong. My nine year old still likes to snuggle with his Mom. He is simply at a point where, for example, when I drop him off at school, if no one is looking, he'll let me kiss him good-by. But...if anyone is there, well, I'm lucky if I get a backwards look. :-(!You know what I'm talking about!
Oh, well! God is SO good to have blessed me with two very special, wonderful boys. I am often awstruck that the Lord entrusted ME, so very human and full of faults ME, to the raising of them.
Raising your children is an awsome responsiblity. Hem everything in prayer!
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Beth :-)
You know, some think I'm a little crazy, but I truly do not mind my day starting like that. When I get to lay there and watch as he falls back to sleep, then watch him sleeping, I am reminded about how truly blessed I am. I also think that, in a VERY short time, he'll be nine years old, like my oldest son, and starting to find his little bit of independence as the "pulling away" process of growing up starts.
Now, don't get me wrong. My nine year old still likes to snuggle with his Mom. He is simply at a point where, for example, when I drop him off at school, if no one is looking, he'll let me kiss him good-by. But...if anyone is there, well, I'm lucky if I get a backwards look. :-(!You know what I'm talking about!
Oh, well! God is SO good to have blessed me with two very special, wonderful boys. I am often awstruck that the Lord entrusted ME, so very human and full of faults ME, to the raising of them.
Raising your children is an awsome responsiblity. Hem everything in prayer!
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Beth :-)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Oh, is it Friday already? :-)! The picture above is a doll that my Grandmom made and sent to me for my birthday this week. I don't care how old you get (Ok, Ok, I'm 42!), something from Grandmom is VERY special indeed!
I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed Friday. And remember, the housework will always be there, your children won't. Go play! :-D!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Last night I found out that my oldest son has a history report due on Friday. Now, I KNOW that no one else out there has been caught off guard like that! :-)! I guess I know what we'll be working on tonight. It's a good thing that he is only in the third grade, and that it only has to be half a page.
Aha! I have an idea that I think will work. I am going to buy a dry erase board for each of my boys and mount it either just outside their bedrooms by their doors, or inside their rooms (I haven't decided where, yet). That way, we can write down things that need to be remembered and done. As we complete each item on their "agendas", it can be erased. Yeah, I think that will work! We'll try it, atleast. That's the fun of raising kids. Always something new.
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Thursday!
Beth :-)
Aha! I have an idea that I think will work. I am going to buy a dry erase board for each of my boys and mount it either just outside their bedrooms by their doors, or inside their rooms (I haven't decided where, yet). That way, we can write down things that need to be remembered and done. As we complete each item on their "agendas", it can be erased. Yeah, I think that will work! We'll try it, atleast. That's the fun of raising kids. Always something new.
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Thursday!
Beth :-)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Good morning! It is so beautiful outside!
I was just watching a video of a baby, who is somewhere around 9 months old or so, singing "God Will Take Care of You" with his parents at church. It was just TOO cute! Towards the end, he was actually singing most of the words.
Today, I want to give a quick word of encouragement to all of you moms out there with small children.
When you take them to church, does it seem like you can't get anything out of the sermon because you are constantly entertaining, taking to the bathroom, having to go to the nursery, etc? Do you sometimes get discouraged, thinking, "What's the use? Why did I even bother coming? I didn't hear a word that the preacher said. Besides, I'm soooo tired."?
Well, I have been there, too (and not too long ago as my youngest is five years old)! I thought the same things. One Sunday when I was especially tired and a little frustrated and VERY close to tears, a very dear friend happened to notice. She told me something that has stuck with me. No, you are not getting much out of the sermons right now, but you know what? Your child is learning something. When you bring that precious baby to church, even if you have to leave the sanctuary, you are training that child! You are letting them know that church is important. That's where they should be. You have them in the Lord's house.
So, please, don't give up! Keep training those precious gifts that God has given to you. Show them that loving and serving the Lord should be first in their lives.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Beth :-)
I was just watching a video of a baby, who is somewhere around 9 months old or so, singing "God Will Take Care of You" with his parents at church. It was just TOO cute! Towards the end, he was actually singing most of the words.
Today, I want to give a quick word of encouragement to all of you moms out there with small children.
When you take them to church, does it seem like you can't get anything out of the sermon because you are constantly entertaining, taking to the bathroom, having to go to the nursery, etc? Do you sometimes get discouraged, thinking, "What's the use? Why did I even bother coming? I didn't hear a word that the preacher said. Besides, I'm soooo tired."?
Well, I have been there, too (and not too long ago as my youngest is five years old)! I thought the same things. One Sunday when I was especially tired and a little frustrated and VERY close to tears, a very dear friend happened to notice. She told me something that has stuck with me. No, you are not getting much out of the sermons right now, but you know what? Your child is learning something. When you bring that precious baby to church, even if you have to leave the sanctuary, you are training that child! You are letting them know that church is important. That's where they should be. You have them in the Lord's house.
So, please, don't give up! Keep training those precious gifts that God has given to you. Show them that loving and serving the Lord should be first in their lives.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Beth :-)
Monday, March 21, 2011
Monday, Monday!
Good Monday morning, everyone! What a beautiful weekend! The basketball goal was delivered on Saturday morning to two VERY excited boys.
I didn't get a chance to post anything this weekend. Usually, Saturdays are set aside as "Family Day", unless something is scheduled or comes up with the church, so I try not to get on the computer while my boys are up and moving. My time with them is too precious and short to waste. :)
I have been trying to get my blog set up. You know, when I first started my journey into Christian Modesty (will post about my journey later), I had a HARD time finding modest dresses and skirts. A HARD TIME! So, I am trying to help anyone out who is looking by posting the links that I have found in my searching. Most I have already ordered from.
Last night, my husband preached on the blind man that was healed by Jesus (John 9). Isn't it funny how you can read something so many times in the Bible, and each time the Lord reveals some different thought?
My oldest son says to me sometimes, "Mom, I've already read this. I know what it says!". Oh, not so! Everytime we open our Bibles, we need to pray to the Lord that He will reveal to us what He wants us to know, to give our eyes new sight on what we are reading.
Ok, so, back to the sermon on John 9. While reading it, I actually saw the unbelief, the absolute unbelief, that Jesus had healed this man. The man's own neighbors, who knew him, even questioned as to whether or not this was the same man. Even his parents, when questioned as to whether or not he had been born blind, were so afraid of the Jews and being cast out of the synagogue, answered that , yes, he was their son and had been born blind, but they didn't know how he had received his sight, but to ask him because "he is of age"v21.
This man was eventually cast out of the synagogue because he would not deny Jesus.
When Jesus heard that the man had been cast out, He went and found him. Jesus asked him "Dost thou believe on the Son of God?"v35. The man asked, "Who is he, Lord that I may believe on him?"v36. When Jesus told him that he had both seen Him and is talking to Him, the man immediately said, "Lord, I believe. And he worshipped Him."v38
Are we willing to be known as followers of Christ, no matter what the cost? Are we willing to take a stand, even at the cost of our family, friends, and sometimes even people in our own church? Oh, I pray so!
Have a wonderful and blessed Monday!
I didn't get a chance to post anything this weekend. Usually, Saturdays are set aside as "Family Day", unless something is scheduled or comes up with the church, so I try not to get on the computer while my boys are up and moving. My time with them is too precious and short to waste. :)
I have been trying to get my blog set up. You know, when I first started my journey into Christian Modesty (will post about my journey later), I had a HARD time finding modest dresses and skirts. A HARD TIME! So, I am trying to help anyone out who is looking by posting the links that I have found in my searching. Most I have already ordered from.
Last night, my husband preached on the blind man that was healed by Jesus (John 9). Isn't it funny how you can read something so many times in the Bible, and each time the Lord reveals some different thought?
My oldest son says to me sometimes, "Mom, I've already read this. I know what it says!". Oh, not so! Everytime we open our Bibles, we need to pray to the Lord that He will reveal to us what He wants us to know, to give our eyes new sight on what we are reading.
Ok, so, back to the sermon on John 9. While reading it, I actually saw the unbelief, the absolute unbelief, that Jesus had healed this man. The man's own neighbors, who knew him, even questioned as to whether or not this was the same man. Even his parents, when questioned as to whether or not he had been born blind, were so afraid of the Jews and being cast out of the synagogue, answered that , yes, he was their son and had been born blind, but they didn't know how he had received his sight, but to ask him because "he is of age"v21.
This man was eventually cast out of the synagogue because he would not deny Jesus.
When Jesus heard that the man had been cast out, He went and found him. Jesus asked him "Dost thou believe on the Son of God?"v35. The man asked, "Who is he, Lord that I may believe on him?"v36. When Jesus told him that he had both seen Him and is talking to Him, the man immediately said, "Lord, I believe. And he worshipped Him."v38
Are we willing to be known as followers of Christ, no matter what the cost? Are we willing to take a stand, even at the cost of our family, friends, and sometimes even people in our own church? Oh, I pray so!
Have a wonderful and blessed Monday!
Friday, March 18, 2011
God Provides!
Wow! How awsome is my God!?!?!?!
My two boys LOVE playing basketball. Right now they are using a Fisher-Price basketball set. A man that my husband works with some saw what the boys are using, and said that his dad had a "real" one that is not being used.
A "REAL" one meaning a free-standing, regulation sized basketball hoop and stand! Yes! Sometimes God provides things that you're not even asking for. How much He loves His children!
My husband and his brother are going to go get it today or tomorrow, and set it up while the boys aren't there. They are going to be SO surprised and excited when they see it.
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Friday!
My two boys LOVE playing basketball. Right now they are using a Fisher-Price basketball set. A man that my husband works with some saw what the boys are using, and said that his dad had a "real" one that is not being used.
A "REAL" one meaning a free-standing, regulation sized basketball hoop and stand! Yes! Sometimes God provides things that you're not even asking for. How much He loves His children!
My husband and his brother are going to go get it today or tomorrow, and set it up while the boys aren't there. They are going to be SO surprised and excited when they see it.
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Friday!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Today my oldest son is going on a field trip with his school. As expected, he is SUPER excited! I know that I always was.
And, you know, it's funny. They are going to Golden Corral for lunch. Yes, he has been there before, but, of course, since he is going with his friends and school, it is so TOTALLY different and COOL. Hmmmmm.......Oh, well! ;-)
I have a lunch date today as well, with my youngest son. Then tomorrow, I'll be there for the Family Chapel that the school has every Friday. We have been so blessed with a great Christian School that still upholds the KJV Bible and standards.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
And, you know, it's funny. They are going to Golden Corral for lunch. Yes, he has been there before, but, of course, since he is going with his friends and school, it is so TOTALLY different and COOL. Hmmmmm.......Oh, well! ;-)
I have a lunch date today as well, with my youngest son. Then tomorrow, I'll be there for the Family Chapel that the school has every Friday. We have been so blessed with a great Christian School that still upholds the KJV Bible and standards.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
Good Wednesday morning! Well, it's time I got this blog rolling! It's a rainy morning, but I don't mind. That means that Spring is here. It's been a hard winter here in the south, as it has been for all of the United States. I know that everyone is looking forward to the warmer weather.
Psalm 118:24 is a verse that my mom always woke us up with while we were growing up. Now I say it to my two. It helps to get you focused on the day.
You know, I always try to have a positive attitude wherever I am. I try to smile. Your attitude makes a big difference, in your day as well as others that we meet.
I love the old song "Brighten the Corner". The chorus says, "Brighten the corner where you are, brighten the corner where you are. Someone far from the harbor you may guide across the bar, so brighten the corner where you are." Sometimes all someone needs if for you to smile and be kind to them.
If you are a true, born again Christian, you should be showing people the hope that is in you. If you are always walking around with a sour expression, complaining, never smiling, etc, then why in the world would anyone who is not a Christian want what you have? Let Jesus' light shine through you.
Does that mean that every day will be a rose garden? No, of course not. Every rose garden has it's thorns. But, people are watching us. How we handle our situations may make an eternal difference to whomever is watching us.
Well, I better go. It's time to get my house up for the day. Don't forget Wednesday night prayer meeting!
Beth :-)
Psalm 118:24 is a verse that my mom always woke us up with while we were growing up. Now I say it to my two. It helps to get you focused on the day.
You know, I always try to have a positive attitude wherever I am. I try to smile. Your attitude makes a big difference, in your day as well as others that we meet.
I love the old song "Brighten the Corner". The chorus says, "Brighten the corner where you are, brighten the corner where you are. Someone far from the harbor you may guide across the bar, so brighten the corner where you are." Sometimes all someone needs if for you to smile and be kind to them.
If you are a true, born again Christian, you should be showing people the hope that is in you. If you are always walking around with a sour expression, complaining, never smiling, etc, then why in the world would anyone who is not a Christian want what you have? Let Jesus' light shine through you.
Does that mean that every day will be a rose garden? No, of course not. Every rose garden has it's thorns. But, people are watching us. How we handle our situations may make an eternal difference to whomever is watching us.
Well, I better go. It's time to get my house up for the day. Don't forget Wednesday night prayer meeting!
Beth :-)
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