Good morning, my dear readers! Yes, it's been a while since I've posted. You see, I have decided to go back to school to pursue my Bachelors in Elementary Education. It's a big step to fit into my busy, busy life along with my family, church and employment, but, with lots of prayer, I took it. My family still comes first and foremost, so if it looks like my schooling is starting to take too much time from my first priority, my boys, then I will once again step back.
The class that I chose to start out with is Environmental Biology. It seemed the logical choice since it is a completely online class, and I really, REALLY didn't want to jump into Algebra after not having looked at an equation in almost twenty years! I didn't get along very well with them, even back then.
What do you think we talked about in the first chapter? That's right. Evolution! OH, I'm ready for this, I thought. I do not believe Darwin's theory. Well, "I do not believe" was not a good enough answer. Since this is an online class, there is a Discussion Board on which we have to interact with our other virtual classmates. WHY do I not believe? This chapter really opened up my eyes. Why do I not believe? It's easy to say that you don't, but WHY not? What do you base it on? As I researched my answers (by the way, two very good Christian websites to visit on this subject are ANSWERS IN GENESIS and INSTITUTE FOR CREATION), my faith and beliefs were strengthened.
This begs the question, "Why do you believe what you believe?". You have convictions-WHY? Do you live and do things a certain way because that is what you have been taught growing up, or just told that you should do?
If someone tells me this or that when it concerns my Christian walk, I want back up from the scriptures (KJV!).
For instance, over the past several years, I have been convicted on how I dress. I used to be a "jeans and t-shirt" type of girl. I usually only wore dresses to church and sometimes to work. One lady that worked with me (she also attended my church) always wore dresses, no matter what. I always thought that was a little overboard and, yes, strange. Also, growing up, one of my best friends in high school always wore a dress. I never thought to ask her why. The lady at work, on the other hand, would tell me that she wore dresses because that was her conviction. WHY?
My husband, although he wanted very much for me to stop wearing my tight jeans and small tops, was very wise. He did not "demand" that I stop. If he had, I am ashamed to say that I would have "bucked up" and rebelled. He would just say things like, "Those jeans really bring out your curves" or "Should you be wearing something that will tempt other men?", etc.
Although the Lord had started tugging at my heart on this issue some time before, I came to a turning point when my husband became the pastor of our church. Our church holds to dress standards, and women are expected to dress like women (dresses and skirts) and men like men (no shorts) at all church activities and functions. We are ambassadors for Christ, after all! At this time, I still wore jeans around the house or to the grocery store near my house. I wore dresses or skirts everywhere else.
But then, the Lord really started convicting me. Why am I one way in the general public (church or when we go to town), but another in the privacy of my home? Isn't that being a hypocrite? Shouldn't I be the same no matter what? Hmmm.....
So, I started to really study this subject of Modest Dress. I came across a really good book, "What in the World Should I Wear?" by Cathy Corle (you can purchase a copy here-Baptistink or use the search engine). Another article that helped me was "What About Women Wearing Pants?" by Brother Potter (Priceless Woman Ministries). In these two places, I found the scripture that I was looking for. I could not deny it! From that point on, I have only worn dresses and skirts. Now, when someone asks me why do I dress the way I do, I have an answer. I also would not have changed if I had not been clearly shown in the scriptures.
That is just one apect in my life. How about you? Do you have an answer when someone asks you "WHY?" when you say you do or do not belief something? Always, always study your Bible. Be ready with an answer. Also, always, if someone says you should or should not, ask for scripture to back it up.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Beth :-)
Family, motherhood, Christian modesty, the Christian walk, life as the pastor's wife and family, sewing and other things close to my heart. :)
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you can stay awhile. Grab some coffee (or tea!) and pull up a chair. Here, you'll find my humble thoughts on God, the Christian walk, Christian modesty, my life and lots of other things that I hope and pray will uplift you, give you encouragement and help you through the day.Beth :-)
ps-All scripture used on my blog are KJV only.