"The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil." Proverbs 31:11
Does the heart of your husband safely trust in you? Our first response usually is, "Of course he can trust me! I would never cheat on him. When I took our marriage vows, I meant them for LIFE."
That's wonderful. I am glad to hear it! I always responded the same way whenever I read this verse. And, yes, that is one of the trusts. But when I really, really read this, I found that "trust" in this verse means SO much more!
Can your husband "safely trust" you financially? Are we a wise steward with our household finances, or do we go out and run up the credit card with purchases that we really can't afford, need or are able to pay off within a reasonable time limit? Is the checking account always low, not because of our income, but because of purchases that really can wait?
How about housework? Yikes! Yes, that is a sensitive spot with me as well. I realize that alot of wives, myself included, work outside of the home. When we come home at night, the last thing we want to do is clean our house! My husband helps out some with the housework, and I am trying to train our sons to help, too. I have found that if I set myself to a schedule, and tackle one room a night, it is not so terrible. Cleaning up as we go along helps tremendously. Wash the dishes (or assign one of the children to do this task) as the cooking is done. Keep a roll of paper towels handy in the bathroom, and wipe down the sink after teeth are brushed or hands are washed.
Another area of "trust" is training up our children. Moms, we are the ones who really have the greatest influence on our children. Let's face it, when one of our children falls down and gets hurt, who do they usually run to? Mom! Can our husbands trust that we won't put our children aside for our own selfish desires? Can our husbands trust in us to take care of and train up our children like the Bible calls us to do? This is a very big responsibility!
Can he "trust" in you emotionally, or does he never know which way you will react? We set the temperature of the home, ladies. Our moods effect our family.
Lastly, but most importantly, can our husbands "trust" us to let them be the head of the household, as we are told in the Ephesians 5:23?
The more I study Proverbs 31:11, the more I realize how much work I have to do in my own life. If you are struggling with any of the above "trusts", ask the Lord for help and guidance. Then, go talk to another Christian lady who can help you and pray with you.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Beth :-)
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