I love to sew. When I was about twelve years old, my mom bought me an older, used portable Singer sewing machine. I think that it was close to being antique then, possibly dating back to the 1950's, but I absolutely LOVED it! It even had an "old timey" type key on a string and key hole on the cover. It only has one stitch-a straight stitch, but I sewed many a "creation" for my dolls on it. I still have this machine.
I got out of sewing in my 20's as I was working full-time and going to school full-time. After I got married, my mom and sister got together and bought me a new portable sewing machine for my 30th birthday (sorry, Singer! It's a Brother!). I let it sit for a couple of years until the "sewing bug" bit me again. I thought that I would like to make tote bags, so I scoured the internet for simple, free patterns that I could use. That started the sewing journey that I am now on, and I have gone on to create my own small business.
My thought for today is about the patterns that I use. Now, really, I am not a patient person when it comes to patterns. I like to go ahead and get started on my project. I have learned through experience, though, that it is for my benefit when the pattern maker says, "Read all instructions before beginning".
Sometimes, I'll look and just start to sew, thinking that I understand what I am looking at. After the project begins not coming along quite right, or not fitting together properly, I will go back and actually READ the instructions. Then I see where I went wrong. If only I had read that to begin with, things would have worked out much better and smoother. I wouldn't have to rip apart and start all over again!
God has given the Christian a "pattern" for their life. It is His Holy Word, the Bible. Often times, though, we want to go ahead without reading the instructions. We jump into situations without consulting Him or His Word first. We think that we know better, or "know" what the Lord would have us do. Then we don't understand when our life or things in our life start to unravel or don't seem to be going as planned.
When this happens, we need to STOP, LOOK and LISTEN.
STOP-Stop right now, before things get any crazier or worse. I have found with my sewing that if things don't seem to be going right, I need to stop right then, before I mess things up more, and once again consult the pattern's instructions.
LOOK- What is going on? Did we pray and seek the Lord in this? Is it about something that we know He is convicting us of, and we just didn't want to study the scriptures, because, really, deep down, we knew that we would see what needs changing in our life?
LISTEN-Now, talk to your Heavenly Father and get into His Word. Listen to what He has to say. He will guide you in the direction that you need to go in. Sometimes, we will have to do some "ripping apart" and start all over again. That's alright! He will forgive you and you will have a clean slate to start over with.
If we continue to follow, and are WILLING to follow, the instructions in God's "pattern" for our lives, the Bible, we will always be where He wants us to be, and our lives will be "sewn" together beautifully.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Beth :-)
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