In just a very short time, we will be once again saying good by to another year. 2014 is just a couple of hours away.
How was your year? Good? Bad? Mine was filled with both. I lost a friend, who died suddenly in her sleep, leaving behind a husband and two young boys. Tragedy struck our country many times through violence and natural causes. And yet, there were also many blessings for our family. My mother-in-law came close to death, but the Lord's will was to keep her here a while longer with us. Our vehicles continue to run and take us where we need to go. My husband and I celebrated 17 years of marriage. God has blessed our church and our missions tremendously. I could go on and on with the list.
Sometimes, through our humanness, all we can see is the sadness and trials that we have gone through during the year, and, yes, I definitely agree that some years are much worse than others. But God has given us this promise: "Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."~ Isaiah 43:18-19. If things seem unbearable right now, lean on God. He can make a way through this barren wilderness that you are travelling through. Read and study His Word. Talk to your Heavenly Father and unburden your soul. Let those tears flow. If we are honestly listening, He will give us guidance. Sometimes, though, things get so hard that we can not concentrate on what we are reading. The words seem like nothing. But still read. Your mind will remember. Psalms is a good book to read when you are feeling sad, in despair or depressed. King David, the main author of Psalms, knew all about these feelings. Something that we can learn as we read the Psalms is that God cares for and loves us. We may feel like we are in the deepest pit, but He will never leave us or forsake us.
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So, has this past year been a little rough? Remember that God is there to lean on. Did you mess up any? Don't feel bad! We all have to some degree. But God wants to do a "new thing" in your life! Commit your ways to the Lord and He will guide you. If you fall, He is always there to pick you up again. Determine to do your best for your Lord and Saviour.
I hope that you have a wonderful and blessed New Year! Don't forget to start the year out right with prayer and dedicating it to the Lord!
Beth :-)