"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you can stay awhile. Grab some coffee (or tea!) and pull up a chair. Here, you'll find my humble thoughts on God, the Christian walk, Christian modesty, my life and lots of other things that I hope and pray will uplift you, give you encouragement and help you through the day.

Beth :-)

ps-All scripture used on my blog are KJV only.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


"Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name." 2 Samuel 22:50

I am so thankful today that my son, Samuel, joined me for my morning devotions. He has always been an early riser, but I usually have already had my devotional time with the Lord by the time he gets up (I try to get up atleast an hour before the rest of my house does).
Well, this morning, I told him that I hadn't read my Bible or had my special time with the Lord yet. He was excited to join me in my devotional time. We each took our Bibles, climbed up on my bed (my husband had already left to go deer hunting), pulled the quilt up and read. I read three verses and he read three verses. At six years old? Why, yes! As soon as each of my sons started to learn how to read, I would give them verses to read out of the Bible at our Family Devotion Time. It is VERY slow going at first, I must admit, and takes alot of patience. But they do eventually start doing better and better.
After reading, we prayed. Then Samuel jumped up and said, "Mommy! We have to sing some Bible songs!" So I said OK. He ran into his room and grabbed his little song book. We sang about five songs.
 Let me tell you, nothing, absolutely NOTHING, could have made my morning any better! What a joy and awsome privilege to share Jesus with my children!
Have you shared Jesus with your children today?
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Beth :-)

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